Article written by Moshé Feldenkrais Translated from French by Thomas Hanna Published in: Somatics, Vol. 6, No. 4, Spring/Summer 1988. (Conclusion) Somatics, Vol. 7, No. 1, Autumn/Winter 1988-89. “Our self-image is a body-image, which not only determines what we think of ourselves but also what we do and how we do it. The behavior of […]
Archive | Self-Image
Image, Movement, and Actor: Restoration of Potentiality
in Self-Image
By Moshé Feldenkrais Translated and Edited by Kelly Morris Published in Tulane Drama Review Moshé Feldenkrais is a master in judo, holder of the Black Belt, and author of several books in this field. Dr. Feldenkrais is also an influential kinesthetic therapist and theorist. This exposition of Feldenkrais’ ideas and techniques of movement-training is taken […]
L’expression Corporelle
in Self-Image
Article written by Moshé Feldenkrais Ce texte tut compose en toute hate dans l’espace de quelqes jours. Je ne peux fiare mieux que de citer les paroles suivantes dont Paul Valery a fait preceder sondialogue sur “L’idee fixe”: “Ce livre est enfant de la hate. On le donne pour ce qu’il est: une oeuvre de […]